Savage Cub and Shock Ultra in the new Microsoft Flight Simulator

“We have been thrilled and humbled by the support and dedication that has fueled the Flight Sim community for the past 38 years,” says Jorg Neumann, head of Microsoft Flight Simulator. “Since the launch of the very first Microsoft Flight Simulator in 1982, we knew it was finally the right time to develop the next-generation version of Microsoft Flight Simulator.”
The latest game includes a new day and night engine that allows players to fly at any time of day as well as a new checklist system that scales for beginners or pro players with instrument guidance and checklists before takeoff. Microsoft Flight Simulator also includes real-time weather, live traffic, and animals throughout its living world.The official video starts with a Savage Cub take off, that perfectly embodies the spirit or our planes…Shock Ultra will be avialable too in the Premium Version of this simulator. We at Zlin can’t wait,after so long hard job, to put our hands on the final product, later next month.