Shock Therapy

We really appreciated this new German cover and the nice “cover story”…This cover has to be added to the previous two ones we got recently : Lotniczy Aviation Revue (Poland) and Flynytt (Norway).

New Western and North Western Canadian Dealer

We are proud to announce a new dealership for British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon and the Northwest Territories.
“Travelair” and the Chilcotinflyers would like to welcome you to a new world of bush planes and bush flying. The main sales/maintenance and training center is located at Chilliwack Airport (CYCW), in the beautiful Fraser Valley of British Columbia. The “bush-flying training camp” is located in the wilderness of the remote West Chilcotin, at Terra Nostra Guest Ranch. It will be the perfect place to show the extraordinary capabilities of the “Shock Cub”.