The SOwG is a spontaneous initiative of a group of Savage’s pilots, with the intent to share experiences and pick up customer’s informations.
Savage test on Dan Johnson’s website
Savage is much lower priced than competitors, you can add several options and still spend less. According to expert Cub pilots another option worth considering, especially for bush flying, is vortex generators.
Leave your mark on this World
Thanks to Arturo for this special pic. He just landed and was enought inspired to take this beautiful pic of his mark. Very well-made Arturo…The 40 cm of snow were not a problem for his Savage.
17.518 visitors
We are pleased to see that after exactly two and half months we introduced the new website, we received 17.518 visits. We get every day many inquires about our planes. Our configurator is working well too.
Trento Aeroclub
We would like to inform that in the North of Italy (Trento city) is possible since few months to test the plane and have all the kind of support and teaching from one of the most professional school actually on the market.Basic, advanced training and renting available.
The next Friedrichshafen exibiton
From 02 to 05 April 2009. Remember these dates. The best exibition in Europe is close. As you know we will show the 3th model there for the first time..
The new model is coming
As already anticipated last October, the 3th model of the Savage is coming..The family will grow up soon. Read inside..
Inside the cabin
As you know , in the download area, it is possible to take a view of the Savage Classic cabin. The panoramic pic allows you to see how the plane looks from the Pilot’s point of view.
Second hand planes?
It is not usual to find second hand Savages around the market. In case you are interested, here we show an example of one selected plane in our hands.
Taming Taildraggers Pilots
A very professional approach to the tailwheel airplanes. We find this article, really professional and helpfull. Published several years ago in Sport Aviation Magazine (1992), will offer you a true point of view of what Taildragger Planes are in reality.