We will be glad to deliver in the next few hours the first Savage Cub, with standard landing gear (not the extended one shown at the German exibition equipped with 29″ Bushwheels).
Cross Canada Flight.Alan Dares did it..
We will be glad to deliver in the next few hours the first Savage Cub, with standard landing gear (not the extended one shown at the German exibition equipped with 29″ Bushwheels).
New Savage Cub paint schemes
We are glad to show the new Savage Cub paint schemes available from now for all the Cubs under manufacturing process or delivery.Click on the link inside.
Cross Canada flight
The biggest coast to coast transition of aircrafts in peace time Canada ever…. WE WILL BE THERE….
New water radiators for the Savage Cub
We developed a new water cooling system for the new Savage Cub. It will be available as standard at not extra price. Nice look and high efficiency (expecially for glider towing or floats operations).
CUBDRIVER 749ER DVD available here
CUBDRIVER ALASKA new Dvd available here. Contact Zlin Aviation s.r.o for immediate delivery.
Over the top. Mont Blanc (15.732 ft)
Our two friends and Pilots, Marco Tommasi and Paolo Meneghini established the new max ceiling record for a Savage Classic equipped with a standard Rotax 100 hp .
The Classic Style
Just an example of what we mean for Classic style. Look at this pic.
AEROKURIER Best Brands 2009
We are proud to announce that our Company entered officially inside the most 10 popular companies selected in Germany, during a large readers inquiry (by the famous Magazine Aerokurier), and named “Best Brands 2009” .
Bush Flying? what is it?
In the last months we got many inquires coming from Pilots around the world, asking us what is Bush Flying.As you know we just introduced into the market the Savage Cub, that was designed expecially for this outdoor flying activity.