A warm welcome to our new 3 dealers that just joined us ordering Norden and Cub planes. For Finland: TRADEAID Oy Ltd. For Uruguay/Paraguay/Argentina: Aeromont Srl. For Poland: Mikrolot Przemyslaw…
Norden flying in Romania
First Savage Norden with “shock absorbers” landing gear, flying in Romania…
Two New Norden heading USA
Two nice new Norden, heading USA on Monday. Other 8 planes, will take the same direction starting from next month. And of course this doesn’t mean that we don’t care…
First Savage Cub certified in the 560 kg. class in Sweden
First Savage Cub certified in the 560 kg. class in Sweden. This nice Cub, is now flying there and will be followed soon by some other Savage planes. At the…
Safety Alert n.13
Have a look in the Owner’s Area section, under “Technical Documents”…Please: read, share and contact us in case of any doubt or need.
The Norden at Valdez Fly Inn
Mr. Gary Green with his “stock” Norden 915iS (141 hp) just participated in the 2023 Valdez Fly Inn, the world’s most famous STOL competition that takes place in Alaska every…
AERO 2023
Great time spent at Aero 2023 (Germany).Plenty of interest around the new Norden. The plan is to get it certified in Germany the next year ( Summer 2024).
The first Norden equipped with the “new” shock absorbers
The first “yellow” Norden equipped with the “new” shock absorbers landing gear, is under delivery…This landing system weighs more (slightly less than 7 kg of difference) compared to the standard…
AERO 2023
Our company will officially participate in Aero Friedrichshafen (19-22 April), showing the Savage Norden in Germany for the first time. Anyone interested will find us at stand B2-408. We missed…
New Norden’s “shock absorber landing gear”, finally tested and approved.
Read the whole report and look at the videos on our facebook page.